Thursday, September 29, 2011

the Gorilla and the Experiment

First, I did not see the gorilla. I think the reason why I did not see it was that I focused on the basketball passes. Also, in the beginning of the video they told us that count  how many passing, thus I did not expect that would something be changed.

Second, as results of watching the videos, I think the link between them is how sometimes in this life you be impacted by other effects that disturbing you from seeing the real picture. For instance, sometimes your work impacted you, so you are focusing all the time in your work, while you are forgetting your family and your home. However, you get up one day and you see how your children behavior changed, probably you would ask yourself when that has happened? It happened while you are disturbing by other impact that you were focusing in.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aziz,

    What a nice comment! I guess one of the things I wanted to get at, without going too overboard, is the question of reality and perception and consequently how we view and interact with each other and our surroundings. Your example is well stated. Be sure to comment on some other blogs, too.
